Welcome to the 'Sleep Clinic'
Close to 20 million adults in the UK are affected by sleeplessness. Many of us are, sleep-deprived, and this limits the ability of our body to repair and restore itself.
Your body demands sleep, but your mind is in 'hyper-drive'.
During sleep, our body naturally heals itself, the mind is refreshed, hormone levels are restored. While you sleep, your body repairs essential cells and tissues. When we deprive ourselves of quality sleep, we’re putting our mental and physical health at risk. So what can we do in the 'sleep clinic'? We have a range of approaches, techniques, audio downloads, tips and skills to reduce your levels of anxiety and slow down your over-active mind. During this period of Covid restrictions, our Sleep and Stress Centre remains open for online and phone consultation.

Can hypnosis help insomnia and sleep deprivation?
Yes, sleep, or insomnia hypnosis is a technique to allow you to achieve physical and mental relaxation. While you are in that focused state, you can through positive psychological methods, calm the mind and drift off into sleep. However, sometimes there is an underlying issue that may need to be resolved, such as being anxious, unable to relax and find 'calm', relationship stresses or poor 'sleep preparation'. We can address all of these issues in our sleep clinic.
Free Audio
What else can you do for insomnia and sleep deprivation?
Sometimes, a more extensive holistic approach may be more successful. CBT or NLP will focus on a range of behaviours surrounding your sleep routine. Here there will be a focus on analysing your behaviour, sleep routines and the way that your mind processes information. Such unhealthy beliefs and fears will need to change. Relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises, visualisation, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation and mindfulness, can be effective.
If you found this short audio helpful, explore our full range of sleep audios here.
deep sleep
Package 1: Deep sleep £150
A pre-session ‘discovery session’
90 minute holistic/ one to one session (Either ‘virtual’ or, face to face (if COVID restrictions allow)
Access to a range of audio downloads (3 audios)
Sleep Diary
Sleep Questionnaire
Information support such as 'sleep hygiene', key tips.
Package 2: Enhanced Deep sleep £195
A pre-session ‘discovery session’
90 minute holistic/ one to one session (Either ‘virtual’ or, face to face (if COVID restrictions allow)
On-line, (‘e-mail/ phone, 'WhatsApp' weekly support for 4 weeks
Access to a range of audio downloads (4 audios)
Sleep Diary
Sleep Questionnaire
Information support such as 'sleep hygiene', key tips.
revival DEEP
Package 3: Revival deep sleep £295
A pre-session ‘discovery session’
90 minute holistic/ one to one session (Either ‘virtual’ or, face to face (if COVID restrictions allow)
On-line (face to face) support for 4 weeks
Access to a range of audio downloads ( 5 audios)
Sleep Diary
Sleep Questionnaire
Information support such as 'sleep hygiene', key tips.
Other support sheets
Affirmation sheets
Enhanced Bespoke deep sleep
Package 4: Enhanced bespoke sleep package from £375
A pre-session ‘discovery session’
90 minute holistic/ one to one session (Either ‘virtual’ or, face to face (if COVID restrictions allow)
A personal ‘toolbox’, including ‘bespoke’ audio support and access to a range of additional downloads from the library
Sleep Diary
Sleep Questionnaire
Information support such as 'sleep hygiene', key tips
Other support sheets
Affirmation sheets
On-line (face to face) support for 6 weeks